Our experience with continuous tone lithography and new media has engaged a new paradigm of iconographic construction.

Multimedia collage

Children of the Light Kaikai Tenten Series

Children of the Light Kaikai Tenten Series

Since ancient times, the sense of civility has been built from the... 

Key Black Series

Key Black Series

Definition of a landscape is a recurrent event throughout art history where... 

  • Tusche Washes

    Lithographic techniques such as Tusche washes respond to a long tradition of printmaking. Defying conventionality brings about the fundamental challenges of iconographic construction.

  • Value of Printmaking

    History has shown us how the continuity of technique relates to craftsmanship. In this regard, printmaking is a discipline that expects such proficiency level.

  • Tonal & Chromatic Value

    Long has been the tradition of interplaying light in alternating tonal and chromatic value. When we find ourselves confronted with additive and subtractive relationships, finding the right tool; brings about a rich mesh of color ensemble!

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